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Setting up Outlook for Mobile Devices for MailSafi Email

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Setting up Outlook for Mobile Devices for MailSafi Email

We use an example user peter.simba@kachooks.com in our step by step guide below.

Step 1. Open Outlook

Step 2. Select Add an Account

Mailsafi outlook for mobile

Step 3. Enter user email e.g. peter.simba@kachooks.com. Click CONTINUE.

Mailsafi outlook for mobile enter user email


Mailsafi outlook for mobile manual setup

Step 5. : Choose account type IMAP.

Mailsafi outlook for mobile manual setup

Step 6. On the Connect IMAP Screen enter details

Display Name: Peter Simba

Description: Work

IMAP Incoming Email Server

IMAP Host Name: imap.mailsafi.com

IMAP Username: peter.simba@kachooks.com

IMAP Password: [enter your email password]

SMTP Outgoing Email Server

SMTP Host Name: smtp.mailsafi.com

SMTP Username: peter.simba@kachooks.com

SMTP Password: [enter your email password]

Step 6: Click the tick at the top right corner

Mailsafi outlook for mobile server settings